That’s how many free credit hours are awarded to students at Marion Technical College in Ohio if they complete at least 30 hours of college-level courses in the first year while earning at least a 2.5 grade point average. The college created this program as an incentive for more students to complete their degrees, a move that represents the shifting focus from student access to program completion.
Source: Inside Higher Ed
That’s the percentage of African-American students who had more than $100,000 in student loan debt in 2016, nearly three times the rate of white students. Family resources are most likely the largest contributing factor, but a new study examines the disparities between students of different races, ethnicities, locations and student loan debt.
Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education
That’s how many students begin at four-year colleges but take six years to earn their degree. As a result, admissions offices are becoming less “gatekeepers” to education and more “caseworkers” who need to make sure students will obtain their degree (and obtain it on time).
Source: Forbes
That’s how many students fit the “traditional undergraduate profile” in 2015, compared to 35% in 1985 (a student in 2018 is more likely to be a female attending a four-year public college full time, while living off campus and graduating with debt). The Washington Post examines this disparity through a “day in the life” of two students from opposite ends of the income gap.
Source: The Washington Post