That’s how many pages NACAC’s new ethics code is, and it’s being investigated by the U.S. Justice Department for potential violation of federal antitrust law. The code has consistently been a source of debate, but most admissions officers are shocked by news of the investigation.
Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education
That’s how many fewer students were enrolled in postsecondary education in 2017 compared to the year before. This is the sixth straight year of decreased enrollment.
Source: NACAC
That’s how much of a graduate student’s educational funding comes from grants and scholarships. According to a new study from Sallie Mae, a quarter of the average $24,812 per-year tuition bill comes directly from student earnings, and hardly any comes from family contributions. Therefore, these students need to make careful decisions about the return on investment for their degrees.
Source: Reuters
That’s how many schools were considered “invisible” in a 1972 report that examined nonselective institutions that weren’t well known. New research published last month looks at the same 491 schools and discusses where they are now.
Source: Inside Higher Ed