That’s how many buildings exist on campus at the University of North Texas; 100% of them are named after white men. Students have started a petition to ask that a future residence hall be named after a woman or person of color, but were accused of “reverse racism” by an official college spokesperson. The student has posted screenshots of their interaction on Twitter, which is prompting outrage from the UNT community.
Source: Inside Higher Education
That’s how many top-ranked graduate admissions programs author Julie Posselt interviewed to understand the culture of graduate admissions. She found that they were using a wide, inconsistent range of standards to arrive at their decisions, specifically regarding the GRE scores of applicants.
Source: ETS
That’s how many business school students started their MBA in 2009 and graduated with a job in 2011. Even so, Miami University professor Steven Conn argues that basic questions about what business schools teach, what business students learn and what utility any of those have in the actual world of business remain unanswered. Because of this, Conn makes the controversial claim that B-schools don’t have a place in the university at all.
Source: The Chronicle of Higher Education
$75 million
That’s the estimate for how much Illinois taxpayers will end up paying by 2024 for the expansion of free college-admissions-related exams to all students in grades nine through eleven. The ACT and SAT will compete for a three-year contract with potential renewals through 2024.
Source: Chicago Tribune